Private & Group Training


Customized Coaching

Exceptional Results!

Private Training

At our academy, every player receives dedicated attention and guidance. However, our private training program offers an enhanced experience. It begins with a thorough evaluation of the player's abilities, allowing our coaches to craft a training plan tailored to the individual. This approach ensures a focus on the player's current skill level and potential, leading to more effective skill development and a deeper tactical understanding of the game.

Key Benefits of Private Training:

  • Customized Training Sessions: Tailored specifically to the player's needs and goals.

  • Accelerated Skill Advancement: Focused development of the player's abilities.

  • Increased Ball Interaction: More opportunities for practice and skill refinement.

  • Mastery of New Techniques: Learn and perfect new skills and strategies.

  • Confidence Boost: Enhances self-assurance in both the sport and everyday life.

Small Group Training

Our small group training program, designed for 2-10 players, offers a dynamic and engaging setting for skill and tactical game development. Similar to our private training, it emphasizes the Audax method of technical development, concentrating on each player's potential and individual needs. The key difference lies in the group setting, where players can apply their newly learned techniques in a more challenging, peer-driven environment.

Key Benefits of Small Group Training:

  • Competitive Edge: Enhances skill through healthy competition.

  • Enjoyment: Makes learning fun and engaging.

  • Motivation: Encourages players through group dynamics.

  • Personalized Coaching: Direct attention from trainers within the group.

  • Diverse Learning: Exposure to a variety of skills and strategies.

  • Cost-Effective: More affordable while maintaining quality training.

At Audax Futbol, embodying boldness, bravery, and daring means stepping onto the field with unwavering courage, pushing boundaries with each play, and fearlessly embracing every challenge that comes our way.